Where are you getting your gospel?

Paul writes of different gospels. 2Cor 11, Gal 1

There are secular books and media out there that are being used as a tool to promote the gospel. These things are dangerous and should not be used for anything but kindling the fire.
See the video link.

Link to Video

The Spirit of truth is spoken of in scripture by Jesus whom He said would be sent when He ascended. He the Spirit (the Holy Spirit) would & will guide believers into all truth. The word of God, Jesus said, is truth and believers would be sanctified by the word. The word of God is the sword of the Spirit of God. We should not and cannot separate the word form the Spirit, so why have so many throughout history done so?
John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 17:17-18, Eph 6:17, Heb 4:12-13

There are many so called Christian thoughts and ideas around that will seem to be about the Spirit of God.
But as we look into the teachings we find no truth in them
Scripture exhorts us to discern teaching. Hold fast that which is good.

Jesus came into the world to save sinners. That includes every person that has lived with one exception. Jesus Christ.
Christians are exhorted to teach no other doctrine other than the teaching of Jesus as found in the scripture and upheld by the apostles. Yet so many professing Christ do not go into the world with the right message but with an invitation to church,or a they will tell people God loves them, forgetting that all sinners are condemned and under God's wrath and unless they believe in Jesus for their salvation they will spend eternity in the lake of fire.

Here is some helpful teaching called the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error by Moriel

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